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We Offer a Multitude of Mental Health and Wellness Services

Juan Cabrera Jr., MD & Associates‘s experienced providers offer a range of approaches to treat clients. Whether you are experiencing situational stressors or struggle with more chronic issues, our providers can help. We treat children, adolescents, and adults at our practice.

woman talking to female therapist

We Accept Numerous Insurance Plans as well as Private Pay

We are proud to offer services that are proven effective at treating a range of psychological conditions. We accept numerous insurance plans, including Medicare. We also accept private pay. Contact your insurance provider to determine your specific mental health benefits.

Our Team Specializes In a Multitude of Techniques
to Treat Your Mental Health and Wellness Needs

We have a team of credentialed providers dedicated to finding effective methods to treat a variety of mental health concerns. We know how challenging it is to deal with these illnesses, and we want to help. In addition to transcranial magnetic stimulation and GeneSight®, we offer Spravato®, acupuncture, EMDR, mindfulness, sports mental coaching, and more.

Juan C. Cabrera Jr. MD

Juan C. Cabrera Jr. MD

Dr. Cabrera grew up in Evansville, where he graduated from Harrison High School. Afterward, he attended Indiana University earning a double major in chemistry and biology. He continued his studies at IU for medical school, his psychiatry residency, and a geriatric fellowship. Dr. Cabrera's private practice encompasses adult and geriatric psychiatry. He has a focus on medication-resistant depression and is the only provider of transcranial magnetic stimulation in the region as well as being one of the few providers in the area offering treatments with Spravato®.

Belinda Davis, MSSW, LCSW

Belinda Davis, MSSW, LCSW

Belinda Davis graduated from Western Kentucky University with a Bachelor of Arts degree and a Major in Psychology. She has a Minor in Child Development and Family Living. After her undergraduate career, Belinda Davis obtained her Master of Science in Social Work Degree from the Kent School of Social Work at the University of Louisville. Belinda Davis is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, licensed in the State of Indiana. She provides individual counseling services for ages 12 through 99+. She also provides couple’s therapy. Her primary modalities of treatment include Cognitive Behavioral, Dialectical, Mindfulness, Solution-Focused, Trauma-Focused CBT, and EMDR. She offers telehealth appointments when permitted.

Bruce G. Ahlemeier, MSW, LCSW

Bruce G. Ahlemeier, MSW, LCSW

Bruce graduated from the University of Evansville with a Bachelor's in Liberal Arts. He obtained a Master's Degree in Social Work from the University of Southern Indiana. He provides counseling for children, adolescents and adults, including couple's counseling. He is trained in CBT, DBT, Brief Focused, Mindfullness Meditation, Grief Counseling, Trauma Centered and EMDR. He has over 20 years of counseling experience. Bruce offers evening appointments and virtual appointments where permitted.

Melody Harrell, MSW, LCSW

Melody Harrell, MSW, LCSW

Melody graduated from the University of Southern Indiana with a Bachelor's degree in Sociology with a criminal justice emphasis. She then went on to earn a Master’s degree in Social Work from the same university. Melody maintains certification in eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) and she is an  ADHD Certified Clinical Services Provider (A-CCSP). 


Mindie Halterman, PMHNP-BC

Mindie has grown up in the Tri-State area and practiced nursing here in a variety of settings throughout her life. She graduated from the University of Southern Indiana with a Master’s of Science Degree in Nursing and obtained a board certification for Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. She has a passion for promoting mental wellness and will evaluate and treat patients of all ages.

Contact Us Today to Schedule an Appointment